To portray the persons who were interviewed for and worked on my issue of Creatie magazine I choose to show their foot as the person they are. All these persons walk around with their head to come to a place they hadn't visited before. In line with my chosen theme for Creatie magazine: "The Sport of Crossing The Fields & Bending The Rules".
Photography of Marcel Kampman, Joachim Baan and Jarr Geerligs
by Simon Wald-Lasowski.
Photography of Simon Wald-Lasowski
by Simon Wald-Lasowski amd Tim Mintiens.
Photography of Judith Jockel, Laura Andalu and Tim Mintiens
by Tim Mintiens.
Photography of Astrid Prummel by Judith Jockel.
Photography of Moos Lamerus, Kim Triesscheijn and Nils Adriaans
by Laura Andalou and illustration by Maxime van Strijland.